I’m saddened to hear of Warren’s passing. Warren and I were best friends through most of high school and well into his early undergrad years at Loyola. I lost touch with him around 1974 as my life unraveled. He was my daily companion for those three to four years and I spent much time at the Monticello Avenue house with him, including getting to know his mom Edythe whom I saw often at UCI. Warren and I shared so much in terms of humor, politics, and surviving high school as occasionally bullied non-jocks. Nevertheless we would play tennis on Saturdays together and Warren always destroyed me. I did not share his interest in the military and civil war nor his high regard for Leon Uris but we had so much in common from Steve Allen’s humor to the politics of the day. It was Warren and that wall of books in the living room that inspired me to begin reading, now a life-long pleasure. Warren confronted his challenges and always remained a gentle, loving, and opinionated friend. I regret that we never saw each other again. My condolences to Kathy and Jane (whom I never met as she was away at college).
Posted by Gary Donahue on May 17, 2022
Warren was our neighbor and friend at Hallman Court,and we were so sad to hear of his passing. He was always so helpful and kind, and never hesitated to voice his opinions on politics or give garden care advice and supervision. ? He will be missed by us all, and we send our heartfelt sympathy to his family!