Tyler L. David

May 21, 1978 - January 15, 2023

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Typical day until l got a text about you! Pretty shocked and saddened for yr family. Growing up with you was full of adventure and laughter. Skipping school and hiking multiple falls at 2 in the morning. Driving to amusement parks so you could ride roller coasters. Lol you holding my hand on rides because l was scared. I have lots of good memories and fun times with you. You'd always make me laugh when l was sad. We grew apart due to certain reasons. But l would think of you time to time. In all the ups and downs in life you did teach me one thing. Forgiveness and it's okay to be different. May you rest in peace and ride that big roller coaster in the sky. Sorry for yr loss Max,karen, Nolan and micah.

Posted by Tkrueger on February 7, 2023

Damn Tyler, this is tripping me out reading that it was you in that car wreck. The last time I heard from you was Christmas and New Years. I've known you since you worked at the Plaid Pantry on 136th and Powell. I'm never going to get to ride with you to the casino now. You're going to be missed Tyler and sending my condolences to your family, RIH gone too soon.

Posted by Bobbie Greene on February 2, 2023