Terry Holmes

October 24, 1956 - April 30, 2016

Burial Date January 1, 1970

Omega Funeral & Cremation Service

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I Loved my cousin Terry Holmes. My mother, Doris Holmes Todd, was his Father's sister. They were from a family of four kids: Doris Holmes Todd, Roberta Holmes Watson, Lois Holmes Corser, and Terry's father Harold. Issac Roy Holmes and Susan Irvin Holmes his wife. Their father ran logging camps for the railroads. After his beloved wife died (Spanish Flu), Issac sent his 3 daughters to live with other families, a logging camp was a deadly place for children. I believe Harold stayed with his dad and ended up, as an adult, working for the railroad. Pioneer families with a love of books. Issac had the first Encyclopedia in that part of Oregon, and he would do public reading, and neighbors would arrive to listen. His Auntie Lois had a degree in Mathematics. Terry was from people of books, faith, hard work, laughter, good food and love. I miss him, I will always remember his smile. It could light up a room. God bless You Terry, Love Julie.

Posted by Julia Ann Janet Todd Fox on June 25, 2022

Lew Thank You. Terry thought a lot of you. I read it in a letter he wrote about you. This is Terrys Sister Carol.

Posted by CAROL HOLMES on

Terry took guitar lessons from me at The Multnomah Art Center. He could sight read better than me and understood music in a genuine way. I enjoyed showing him songs we both knew from our youth. Occasionally we talked about cars and physics which he was ve

Posted by Lew Jones on