Uncle Bob's memory will always be a blessing to me, especially the past 10 years since my mom, his sister, went home to be with the Lord. Somehow, I felt I needed and wanted to keep in touch with my last two uncles, Uncle Warren and Uncle Bob, so I made it a point to call them every two or three months. I really learned a lot of Brinkerhoff history from Uncle Bob and some things about my mom I didn't know when he and Mom and my Aunt Dot were growing up. He would also ask me nearly every call "what good books are you reading now, Dave?" Then he would give me two or three he would recommend. He talked a lot about his kids. The only ones I ever knew were the Jersey boys. We never got together all that much as kids, but when we did, it was football - city boys against the country boys. Ha Uncle Bob loved the Lord and his family, and it certainly showed in the life he lived. Thank you Lord for a great uncle
Posted by David Smith on April 28, 2021
I've known the Brinkerhoff family since I was in high school, but have been most fortunate to spend so much time with them as they moved from Grand Rapids and settled in Portland these last few years. I spent many an hour listening and learning from Bob. Everything from his days at Princeton and experiences during WWII, to old movies and music, to key moments in history, to passages from the Bible. And lots of silly jokes and laughs in between. Bob made me smile every time I saw him - what a gift. Love to Janice, Barb, Paul, and his entire family.