Michelle Lyn Cody White

August 18, 1977 - December 21, 2015

Burial Date January 1, 1970

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Mom, I miss you so so much. We have lived, but It's so hard. Not a day goes by where I don't think of you. I just want you home.

Posted by Charlotte on April 8, 2023

I miss you Michelle and you truly were a great person. I cherished the time we had in Seattle and it was so great to see you again, I sure never would have thought when I said goodbye to you and Randy in the hotel was goodbye in this life. I will see you again when my time comes,but I’m in no hurry at all. Till I see you again cuz I just want to say I love you and I miss you.

Posted by Cousin Corey on December 11, 2018

you always made sure to visit us when you came to Evansville. i loved meeting Charlotte and getting to know her. you are missed and thought of frequently here. i understand how you excelled above and beyond odds that didn't seem in your favor. what a strong woman you became, and i think you understood how happy i was to see and know it! i wonder, sometimes, if many could understand the obstacles you overcame, to be able to do all you did. illness can steal so much beauty and even truth, but Michelle, know that in my mind and heart, those things will never be forgotten, and my deepest hope and sincerest prayer is that your Charlotte will understand just how strong and beautiful you were and are, as she grows. i pray she'll remember the love her mama shared, and the hope and life she brought to many even in her passing. you'll always be beautiful in my eyes.

Posted by Laurie on August 28, 2018

Michelle - I know I did not get to meet you but once and I'm sorry, but I do know how much you suffered. But don't worry anymore. You're suffering is over. I hope life in heaven is perfect for you. Tell everyone I know up there that I love them. Including you. Michelle, I will pray for Randy and Charlotte. 🙁

Posted by Madi on

This is not good bye. I will see you and Aunt Dana again. ???? - Love Dave

Posted by Cousin Dave on

As my neighbor for many years, Michelle will be remembered for her kindness and generosity of spirit. We enjoyed many visits across the st, sometimes over a glass of white wine, and even a memorable Thanksgiving when we cooked the turkey over at your house and everything else at mine! You will be missed from this Earth, but hopefully you have now found peace and freedom. Lots of love to Charlotte - an extraordinary little person whom I enjoyed watching grow into a bright and sunny little girl. Big hugs Randy. You and Charlotte will always have a welcome place on Lambert St.

Posted by Martha P on

I'll never be the same & I 'll never forget the loss of my only daughter. I know that she was doing things for other people all of her life up to the very end.

Posted by Anthony Cody on

I worked with Michelle in float pool at OHSU. She was always warm and friendly, both towards staff and patients. I especially remember her ease at connecting with patients who were upset or angry. Michelle always sought to connect with patients on a personal level, fix what was making the patient upset or if that wasn't possible, just be there with the patient and support them through their challenges. I am saddened to hear of her death. My thoughts are with the family during this difficult time.

Posted by Courtney on

Dear Randy and Charlotte, Our deepest sympathies go out to you both in the loss of Michelle. Know that you have our love and support. We are so very sorry, and we pray that as each day goes by your pain will be less' and that happiness will return to your lives. We love you Randy and Charlotte. Uncle Ken and Aunt Judy

Posted by Ken and Judy White on

I knew Michelle through work at OHSU. I was not in float pool with her at the time, however, I always enjoyed seeing Michelle on the unit and giving report to her. She was always kind, happy, and had a great smile. We would always talk about earrings, she always had pretty ones on...I'm so sad to hear Michelle is gone, but in spirit she will remain. Bless her family in this difficult time.

Posted by Jackie on

Rest easy, sweet one. It's been 20 years since I knew you, but you were never far from my memory.. Love you & miss you. Bless little Charlotte & those who were left behind. RIP

Posted by Amber on

Michelle - Your life was more valuable than you must have given yourself credit for. You overcame huge obstacles in life and excelled in school to create a beautiful life for Charlotte and yourself. I'm saddened to know life has ended for you, and wish there was someone that could have reached you before it came to this. You had so much to offer but just couldn't see it in yourself I guess. I hope you rest in peace!! I will always treasure the many childhood memories we made together!!!

Posted by Misty on

Dear Family and Friends of Michelle, I am saddened for our loss and wish it didn't have to be this way, but it is. All we have is our memories and I sent a few along today to Randy, for him but mostly for Charlotte to have something to remember her by. I will remember her bright smile, spirited conversation, excellent meals and her accepting me into her life as one of Randy's «college buddies» from the onset til the end. I will be looking forward to helping Charlotte grow up to be an amazing, bright and intelligent person with her Dad's help and also all the love from Uncle Matt. We will miss you Michelle. Sincerely, Matt Hopper

Posted by Matt Hopper on