There's no basic way to even sum up as big a force as a grandmother who had a large role and impact raising you. I remember when you'd sing me to sleep when I was missing my mom at night or how you'd buy my favorite dessert. Most of all because of you I largely became someone who was caring and learned to work hard when I need to. You are so beyond missed and I'll always selfishly wish we had more time together. I love you so dearly. Your Cookie.
Posted by Alexzandrea Fillinger/Bowen on July 25, 2022
How do I sum up the the wonder you were, Mum! You were strength, faithfullness, kindness, love, beauty, resilience, and so much more. My mind, and my heart cannot comprehend that I will no longer be able to go places with you and Dad. That I will no longer hear you tell Dad how much you love the views, the evergreen trees, the flowers, the ocean, yet I will keep you safely in my heart until the Lord will raise you back to life. I have learned grace, goodness and altruism from you. You have made me a better person by virtue of having been my Mum. So, I will not say goodbye, but simply what we always said... I love you.. Until we meet again!!
Posted by Mihaela Fillinger on July 22, 2022
I will remember you always tanti M?rioara! My heart îs broken but I pray the Lord gives your family strength and peace knowing that we will be together one day. Sincere condoleante!
Posted by Camelia on July 19, 2022
Dear Michaela, we will forever carry Tanti Marioara in our hearts. We will always cherish the fun memories, the coffee stops and the Saturday nights at Lutz Cafe in Chicago, the trips to Sims and Oakbrook, the concerts in downtown, the rides on LakeShore Drive, the cooking and baking for Christmas and New Years, her salata boeuf, her delicious perisoare soup, her laughter, her fun and expressive personality, her wit and incredible persevering attitude. And most of all, her love and dedication to her beautiful girls and sacrifices she made for her family. I will never forget how beautifully she took care of Buni and how she loved her grandchildren. I will miss her terribly! I so look forward to the day when that trumpet shall sound and she will rise up and meet Jesus and we shall be right there with her and Buniti and Tata and Jesus forever more! I cannot wait for that day! May the promise of Revelation 21:1-5 comfort your hearts and bring you hope, dear Michaela! With much love, Sperie, Ronnie, Gabi, Evie and DJ
Posted by Sperantza A Pasos on July 19, 2022
My Aunt had a radiant smile that would lighten any load. She was amazingly amiable and always ready to encourage. Furthermore, she took time to listen—really great at hearing a person out and giving sound advice. I will cherish the marvelous memories of laughter around the dinner table. She made the BEST soup de perishoare (as we say in Romania). Until we meet again in Heaven, I will attempt to continue her legacy of sincere smiles, lasting listening, sage sharing, and hopeful hospitality. With love & admiration, Cornelia Scribner
Posted by Cornelia on July 19, 2022
Lots of love for the remaining family to stay strong and remember the good and beautiful memories! Nu am cunoscut-o vreodata, doar am auzit multe din povestile mamei mele despre eleganta, inteligenta si felul impecabil de a fi, demne de admirat. I'm sorry to hear that she's not longer with us, God rest her in peace.. ?