I worked with Jerry at Columbia Boulevard for the last 24-years of his career. We became friends working throughout the long nights and holidays away from our family. I followed him when he moved to Tryon Creek Wastewater Plant and eventually replaced him when he retired, working the weekend slot. I felt we connected well, as Jerry was funnier than me, talked more than me (and had way more stories to tell), had as big a family as I, lived in a place everyone envied, and made everyone that knew him feel warm and welcome. My favorite story Jerry told was when he spoke of his early trips, hitchhiking to Jamaica after high school graduation. That man was an adventurer early on! And the memory of he and Kelse showing up in Maupin for an impromptu raft trip I had set up down the Deschutes will always be imprinted on my brain. My heartfelt condolences to Sandy, Joe, Kelsey, and all the family impacted by this tragedy. We'll all miss you Jerry!