Dear Grandma Ev, Thank you for being such a fantastic grandmother. You were always a source of quiet inspiration to me. Although we never got to spend a lot of time together I was always in awe of your latest accomplishment. I have bragged about my Grandma Ev to many people; raising five awesome kids, going back to school, becoming a master gardener, creating such beautiful works of art. I wish I had an ounce of your creativity. One of my earliest memories was of a visit to your house on Morris Street where you introduced me to cinnamon and sugar on buttered toast, WHAT!? I didn't know you could even do that! Then you threw some applesauce on there and I lost my mind! I used to love picking peas with you and I don't think I ever saw you get mad. You were a fantastic grandmother and I thank you for all of the great memories that I have because of you. Your loving grandson, Eric.