Lewis Family I am so sorry regarding the death of Donna. I remember her back in the day (on 10th street). Although she was one of the younger kids running around, I remember her as being quite curious. It hard to believe when a love one passes away but I know it happens. I leave with you one song that keeps me hanging on through death and that is the song «STAND». Again I am sorry for lost. You have been in my prayers.
Posted by Lynda Lewis (former Williams) on
I miss seeing Donna every day in the lunch room, checking out what book she's reading, and joking with her. I still crack up thinking about something she said a few weeks before her last cruise. She had a particularly large lunch plate one day and said «I'm in training for my cruise.» 😉 I appreciate that she didn't put up with nonsense from people and seemed to take things in stride.
Posted by Sally Erickson on
I enjoyed knowing Donna over the past 6 years. She held so many things together at the office, most of which were behind-the-scenes, that keep us running smoothly. I loved hearing about her travels and cruises around the world, and lived vicariously through her adventurous spirit. She will be greatly missed. We will continue to carry the good memories of her and the impact she had at the city and in our lives.
Posted by Jennifer Chang on
I am so glad I got the pleasure of knowing Donna through work. She will be missed and I send you prayers for peace and comfort.
Posted by Judith Mowry on
I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you can find solace in the memories you hold of her. Speak of her often and hold her tight in your heart. Donna had such a great sense of humor and her own personal way about her. She was a treasure. Good bye, Donna. See you in the next go-around.