Daryl Bechtolt

June 27, 1934 - January 30, 2016

Burial Date January 1, 1970

Sylvan Heights Recreation Center

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DARYL HELEN GOULD BECHTOLT was born in Bandon, Oregon on June 27, 1934. She survived the famous Bandon fire of 1936, and moved to Grants Pass with her parents, Beulah and Fred, where her dad had moved his practice of dentistry.

She enjoyed an idyllic girlhood in Fruitdale, a northerly close-in rural community, where she swam and rafted on the irrigation canals running off the Rogue River.

She attended Girl Scout Camp Low Echo at Lake ‘o the Woods, near Mt McLouglin every summer where she became a lifelong aficianodo of campfire songs.

She took her swimming skills with her when the family moved to Portland in the late ‘40 s and earned a varsity letter as a Freshman at Roosevelt High. She finished high school at Gresham High, class of ’52, as a cheerleader and a columnist for the “Argus

– The Eye of Gresham High”.

After a year at the University of Oregon, she met and married Sid Bechtolt, a master’s candidate in chemistry at Oregon State College with one year to go. Thereafter, they followed Sid’s career path in experimental resins (think, glue), first with Union Lumber Company in Ft. Bragg, California, followed by stints with Boeing in West Seattle and Federal Way, and Georgia-Pacific in Coos Bayand Albany.

Daryl was born with enthusiasm and high intellect: she led all sings; organized all familygatherings; played ball with all comers (her favorite position in sandlot football was the line, “where the action was”); supported Sid in his perennial role as youth coach; read omnivorously (she specialized in WW II) and consumed cinema; never lost a Monopolygame, or seldom a Scrabble challenge, and retained her sense of humor, and bright blue eyes until her passing on January 30, 2016.