Shocked to stumble upon this sad news. Darlene was my very first friend at Freightliner, and she taught me everything I needed to know about those dreaded "pull lists". I knew her from 1977 to 1999. When I think back on those years, Dar was usually upbeat and smiling, even when things weren't going great. I don't recall a single time when there were bad feelings between us; it just seems we always got along, which is rare in any friendship. She was one-in-a-million, and I'm grateful to have known her.
Posted by B on March 31, 2017
I had the joy and honor of being Darlene's upstairs neighbor when she lived at Wingsone Manor. What a pleasure it was. We shared many visits and much laughter. It was hard for her when she left Freightliner, but she kept her spirits up until the 'right' job came along at PGE. She especially enjoyed the friends she met there. She was a person that introduced me to the Outlander series of books, which I borrowed from her. I shall miss her and the phone calls we had after she moved. Darlene was the best sort of person in all things!
Posted by Gilda Taylor on
We have lost one of the good ones, sweet Dar was my roommate and one of the best friends ever, and she was that way with all of the many friends that loved her, in the eight years we were roomies, my family and friends knew if I was coming so was Dar, she was a second mom to my Sheryl from 4th grade to sophomore year, she got lots of extra karma points for that, besides putting up with me! when Sheryl was told she said «Oh so sad in my heart». I met my John at her birthday party in 1984, Diane, her roomie before me brought him, and he soon became a member of our household, they were early morning coffee buddies, before they went to work, I will always love her for that, I slept for another hour. Our last visit with Dar we took some pictures from Trish's wedding « the Leg picture» if you were there you remember, we were laughing at how good we all use to look. one of my favorite is from our Sheryl's wedding, she looked so good in that polka-dot skirt, we spent some time with at the beach this week with one of our friends from the «Lene» years, Darlene, Charlene, Kathleen and «the Dish» (Trish) there is a story about pickles, some wine and way to much salt! they had to soak in plain water for a week before you could eat them, we were laughing a lot we will always have good memories and some laughs when we think of our Dar, some of our best life stories, all made better with her laugh, and that was a good one.
Posted by Kat Stewart on
I worked with Darlene at PGE, and enjoyed her wit, humor, intelligence, kindness, frankness and sarcasm. I pray for all family & friends who suffer from her loss. Godspeed Darlene.
Posted by Bonnie Clark on
It had been years since we had met but I really enjoyed reconnecting with my cousin Darlene in June 2014 at our family cousins reunion. She seemed like we would have had a lot of fun together. We had plans to travel together after we retired, I guess we put it off too long and for that I am very sorry and sad that I will not get to know her better. I am sure she is resting in peace in heaven. God Bless her soul.
Posted by Adrienne Thomle on
My wife and I were so thankful to have been able to meet Darlene at our Coles cousin reunion in 2014. We had not seen each other for over 50 years and it was such a blessing to be able to get to know her again. She was such a warm and down to earth gentle lady. I wish that we could have had the time to have gotten to know her better, but that sadly is no longer meant to be. Our prayers are with her and her family. May she rest in peace.
Posted by Dennis and Kathleen Cole on
I pray for peace for Darlene's family and friends. I loved working with her and she will always be «Aunt Darlene» in my PGE family.
Posted by Beth Asmann on
We will miss Darlene a great deal, especially in all of our sorority activities. She was a true friend to many and I feel blessed to be her friend. She was always thoughtful of others and a very kind person. See you in heaven, Darlene.