My memories of Carol are many, as Mom and Dads helper, babysitting, teaching us younger girls how to iron clothes, setting the table, washing the dishes, cleaning the house, making the beds, grooming ourselves, as we grew older we read books, played games, and sang and danced to the music on the radio. When she got her first job in high school she helped buy clothes for the younger kids. As we all started our own families we were best of friends always. Family picnics, cards, concerts, cooking, five sisters traveling taking pictures, sharing lots of laughter and fun together. Yes, we had three brothers who also enjoyed the family gatherings. Carol's favorite place to visit was the beach at Lincoln City on the Oregon Coast. I feel so blessed to have grown up in a loving family, dysfunctional at times but never outdoing the happy times. Always a close family. I love and miss them all so much.