Billy M. Pond

March 28, 1948 - March 14, 2020

U.S. Veteran

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I am so sorry that I didn’t hear about Billy’s passing until today. I served with Billy on the USS Bradley, DE 1041. He was a great friend and “adopted” son with our family in San Diego. One of the nicest people I’ve ever known. He is missed.

Posted by Jeff Hornback on November 23, 2021

Grandpa, You were such a kind inspirational person I have learned many things from you I miss you soo much I miss talking to you

Posted by Rose on August 12, 2020

Its still hard to think of you without tears, and i still can’t believe you’re gone.....I miss you so much

Posted by Judy on July 9, 2020

Billy was both an in-law and a friend to us. He was down-to-earth in the most literal sense; a gardener and a lover of the outdoors. He was kind, philosophical, compassionate, funny, and possessed of nerves of steel tempered by raising three sons in whom he instilled his values. Although our time in his circle was much too short, our fond memories of him will last forever. Meredith and DA Hilderbrand

Posted by Meredith Hilderbrand on April 18, 2020

Billy became our neighbor a few years ago and soon became our friend as well. Although we came from different parts of the country and had different experiences we still had much more in common... faith, military service, family and outlook on life for instance. Billy had expertise in areas we didn't and helped us when we needed him. His Christmas lights on his home were beautiful to enjoy. Others in our neighborhood became his friend also. Some day we will see you, Billy, again where there will be no pain or tears, so farewell until then! Love from your forever friends, Mel and Jeanne

Posted by Mel and Jeanne Lester on April 14, 2020