Arnold Idzerda

November 11, 1927 - November 27, 2015

Burial Date January 1, 1970

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Arnold Willem «Willy» Idzerda Arnold Willem Idzerda was born 11 November 1927 in Lawang, Java. He preferred to be called Willy. During WWII and the Indonesian Revolution, he was interned; first in a Japanese camp, then in an Indonesian camp. He married Marguerite Fortunati in 1957. He grew coffee when he lived in Indonesia. After Indonesia became an independent nation, he was repatriated to the Netherlands where he was a jet mechanic for the NATO forces. Thanks to the Pastore-Walter Immigration Act, he was able to move to the US in 1960. Once settled in Portland Oregon, he worked at jobs in manufacturing. His last job was for Floating Point Systems in Beaverton, OR. Willy had 3 children, 5 grandchildren, and 1 great grandson. He is survived by his wife Margie, his children David, Richard and Evelyn; his grandchildren Ryan Idzerda and Matthew Idzerda both from Fontana, CA; Melinda Franklin from Corvallis, OR; and Miro Frankzerda and Wilhelmina Frankzerda from Blodgett, OR. His great grandson, Julian Ryan Idzerda, is from Fontana, CA. Willy loved music, family, nature, auto mechanics, aeronautics, motorcycles, and countless other things. He was a seeker and was well-read in the holy books from various religions. He was a compassionate, considerate man. Willy was generous in a rare way and he never hesitated to help others or to take the time to listen to their troubles. All who knew Willy knew his profound, peaceful nature. Willy suffered from strokes his last ten years of life. Even though Willy lost the ability to walk and eventually to speak, he remained in good spirits until the end. He was always aware of what was happening around him and was unfailingly loving. His wife Margie took care of him beautifully until the end. He died in his own home on Tuesday January 27th, 2015 at 9pm, with his wife, daughter, and friends in attendance. He was 87 years old.